
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 05:25:32


闲静少言,不慕荣利。 晋·陶潜《五柳先生传》

Calm with few words and indifferent to fame and wealth.


Personality is quiet and speaks with few words as well as does not envy the fame and fortune

speak little,and do not like persuring money

我正好有一个五柳先生传 整篇的翻译,你看看

Also willows gentleman
passes on gentleman not to know what kind of person, also is unclear its surname and given name, nearby the dwelling has five willow tree, because thinks the number.The quiet few words, do not admire Rong Li. Good studies, fails to search for deep understanding; Has the associative compound every time, then joyfully forgets the food.The nature is addicted to alcohol, the family poor cannot often.Kisses old knowledge it so, but or arranges a banquet move of it; Makes drinks always, the time in must be drunk.Also is drunk draws back, once liberal with sentiment remove or retain.Lives in poverty, does not shade the wind date; Short b